Suzie Goldstein, MSW, CIYT

Offering Psychotherapy & Iyengar Yoga

in Western Massachusetts

Radically Personalized and Adaptive

Meeting You Exactly Where You Are

Suzie Goldstein is dressed in all black demonstrating Utthita Parsvakonasana side angle stretch



Each session is tailored to your specific needs, interests & health concerns. For those new to yoga, looking to advance your practice, address an injury or physical concern, private sessions are deeply beneficial and provide full support.


Online and in person classes cover a range of topics for students of every level. Recharge, restore, and enhance your health, vitality, and resiliency while receiving personalized instruction and developing a practice that supports and enhances your life.


Catch a class when it is most convenient for you or watch a replay of your favorites classes. Nourish your body, quiet your mind, and regulate your nervous system. All you need is a mobile or wifi connection to take the online classes with me when you want.

a golden triangle in the center with the words radical acceptance around it in a circle

We exist in a culture that is obsessed with goals, achievements, and toxic messages about body, fitness, and weight loss. Accomplish one thing, set it aside, and move on to the next. Only living for all that is outside of us leads to exhaustion and burnout. It is easy to lose our connection to our own resiliency and sense of purpose. Unfortunately, most types of modern yoga are reductive, fitness oriented, and promote harmful messages of body, toxic positivity, and cultural appropriation. In many ways, yoga practice has become mind-less instead of mindful.

What would it be like to experience a yoga practice that actually allows you to be completely at peace with who you are? 

What would it be like to have a yoga practice in which you experience your own wholeness and belonging?  

What would it be like to have a practice that encourages compassion and love for all the parts of you and your body, all that you have been through, and all that you can do? 

What would it be like to have a yoga practice that empowers you to truly take care of yourself in every moment and nourishes every layer of your being - physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually? 

What would it be like to have a practice that improves the way you feel in your body, your overall health, and brings you a sense of stability, steadiness, calm and JOY? 

I know, it seems totally radical to believe such a thing is possible! 

But it’s all here waiting for you. There is no prerequisite other than showing up! 

the words radical joy in the center of a golden star


the student stands in parsvottanasana while Suzie is adjusting the student's foot and stabilizing her knee using a yoga block

You can always expect:

  • A safe, methodical, clear progression of yoga poses allowing you to grow your understanding every step of the way.

  • Individual attention and adaptive instruction whether in group classes or private lessons.

  • Sequencing that focuses on developing your strength, flexibility, stamina, concentration and relaxation across a wide range of movements.

  • Clear demonstration and explanation so you can practice safely.

  • Variations that make every pose accessible

  • Integration of the yoga philosophy with the practice of asana

  • Use of props, such as blankets, blocks, and straps, to facilitate learning and exploration

two yoga students lay on the floor in Supta padangusthasana , hand to big toe pose using a belt around the foot to stretch the leg suzie is helping one student with the belt on her foot


Let’s jump on a call and design a program together that works for you.


“Suzie's emphasis on building a practice from a firm foundation creates a sense of security that results in a blossoming of openness, on the emotional as well as physical places. Pain from long-standing injuries from sports and work, has lessened by learning correct alignment, and recognizing and changing old patterns/ habits in my body that have developed over time. The pacing of her classes, the focus of correct alignment and the use of supported poses, allows the body and mind to move in harmony with one another..”
— Stephanie
“After just a few weeks of online classes with Suzie, I’m already feeling noticeable effects on my body and mind. I’m accessing and holding poses with more confidence each class, and as a result my awareness of my posture and balance is building more naturally outside of class, too. The attention Suzie pays to her online students feels as helpful as her guidance in person, and the ease of the online platform means I am able to attend more classes than usual. I’m incredibly grateful to have access to Suzie’s instruction right now!”
— Kate